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Service A

This service concerns adult foreigners (isolated or in families with dependent minors) or minor children in the presence of a legal representative, who are applying for a first asylum application or who wish to submit a request for review, and which consists of:

• Inform the foreigner about the asylum procedure,

• Complete the online asylum application registration form and make an appointment at GUDA using national software, the SIAEF portal,

• Give the asylum seeker the summons on which their digital photo appears, allowing them to justify their presence on the territory,

• Report vulnerable foreigners, refer if necessary to health services, or to charities,

• Ask to dial 115 to access accommodation within the MADA (Shelter for Asylum Seekers) if need be or lack of accommodation,

• Refer to Reception Centers.

Concerning unaccompanied minors seeking asylum, they must be represented in their efforts at all stages of the procedure by a legal representative. As soon as the minor presents himself alone to the SPADA, he will be referred to the services of Social Assistance to Children, and more particularly the service of UAMs (Unaccompanied Minors).

Service B

This service consists of providing social and administrative support for asylum seekers after their passage through the one-stop service with:

• The domiciliation and the issuance of a certificate of domiciliation,

• Information on the procedures relating to the asylum application,

• Explanation of the procedure and domiciliation,

• The written collection of the person's story, its translation and sending it to OFPRA,

• Referral to the League of Human Rights or lawyers specializing in immigration law for Dubliners (if necessary),

• Access to the “ANITO” application, allowing you to see via the internet, whether mail has been received by the service,

• Delivery and explanation of mail related to the asylum application procedure,

• Procedures related to Legal Aid (only for recourse to the CNDA),

• The link with the lawyers, the OFII, the OFPRA, the CNDA, in the event of a problem,

• Sending additional documents to OFPRA, CNDA, lawyers,

• Putting people in contact with translators for the translation of evidence (translation at the expense of the families), Coverage of this service may be interrupted in several cases:

If the person is referred to a DNA hosting device, If the person does not pick up their mail and/or does not keep their appointments,

If the person's behavior is not appropriate (violent behavior towards users or staff).

The OFII will be notified and will direct the person to another direct debit structure.

People wishing to submit a request for re-examination of their asylum application file domiciled at the SPADA will be accompanied in this process by our agents. The deadlines for re-examinations are short, namely 8 days.

Service C

This service consists of accompanying people who have been granted refugee status or subsidiary protection. The duration of the support is 6 months from the notification of the positive decision of the OFPRA or the CNDA.


The SPADA is informed when the letters received by asylum seekers (DA) beneficiaries of the status are opened. This service aims to guarantee individualized administrative and social support for beneficiaries not covered by a dedicated system. The support provided in this context includes the following actions:

- Maintain the residence at the SPADA, pending a residence under common law,

- Inform the refugee of the steps to be taken in the following areas: stay, social rights, accommodation and housing, employment and training and, if necessary where applicable, the family reunification procedure,

- Put the refugee in contact with the Territorial Direction of the OFII for the signing of the CIR (Republican Integration Contract) and linguistic and civic training,

- Put the refugee in contact with the competent services for the effective opening of social rights corresponding to his situation: social and family benefits, filing of a request for housing or integration accommodation, request for rental intermediation and support social housing, - Inform and support the refugee in his procedures for recognition of diplomas and/or professional validation.

The purpose of this support is the establishment of their rights and access to independent or supported housing.

This service is contractualized between the user and the social worker for a period of 6 months, where an active participation of the user is requested for the sake of integration. We systematically direct BPIs to the ACCELAIR system (As long as it is present in the territory concerned) for further care (professional integration, housing)


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